Nurturing Resilience: Guiding Your Kids through a Move | The Larry DiFranco Team - Elfant Wissahickon REALTORS | Elfant Wissahickon-Mt Airy Skip to main content
The Larry DiFranco Team at Elfant Wissahickon REALTORS®, Sales Associate

Nurturing Resilience: Guiding Your Kids through a Move

Nurturing Resilience: Guiding Your Kids through a Move

Nurturing Resilience: Guiding Your Kids through a Move

By  Neil DiFranco 3/29/2024

Moving homes is a transformative journey, a blend of anticipation, excitement, and for kids, a whirlwind of emotions. As parents, it's essential to navigate this change with sensitivity and understanding. Here's a comprehensive guide with seven insightful tips on how to talk to your kids about moving, fostering their resilience and easing the transition into a new chapter of life.

Understanding Their Perspective

Embrace Their Emotions:Every child reacts uniquely to the idea of moving. Some might be thrilled, while others could feel anxious or upset. Acknowledge their feelings and provide reassurance. Validate their emotions by saying things like, "I understand this change might feel scary," creating an open space for dialogue.

Prepare and Communicate

Early Discussions:Initiate discussions about the move well ahead of time. Giving your children sufficient notice helps them process the news, ask questions, and adapt gradually. Choose a relaxed moment where everyone can engage without distractions.

Honesty is Key:Explain the reasons behind the move in a transparent yet age-appropriate manner. Be honest about the changes while highlighting the positive aspects of the new home and the opportunities it presents. Reassure them about staying connected with friends and family.

Involvement and Familiarity

Engage Them in Decisions:Where possible, involve children in some decision-making aspects of the move. Allow them to have a say in choosing new decorations for their room or picking a color scheme for common spaces. This involvement fosters a sense of control and comfort.

Explore the New Environment:If feasible, visit the new neighborhood or town beforehand. Show them around, visit nearby parks, and highlight interesting spots. Familiarity with the new surroundings can alleviate their apprehensions and create excitement.

Support and Stability

Maintain Familiar Routines:Amidst the changes, try to uphold familiar routines as much as possible. Keeping bedtime rituals or family traditions intact provides a sense of stability during the transition phase.

Open Communication Post-Move:Moving is a process, and adjustment takes time. After the move, encourage ongoing conversations. Check in with your children regularly, creating a safe space for them to share their experiences, concerns, or joys.

Navigating a move with children involves understanding, patience, and open communication. By empathizing with their emotions, involving them in decisions, and maintaining stability, parents can ease the transition and help children embrace the change positively. If you're someone who's moved with younger children before, what advice would you give? Are there any do's and don'ts you've seen come to fruition? Let us know.